Zuraida is a well-known South African media host and speaker.

Personal connections are her strength. She has spent 25 years in the media industry working and connecting with people giving her unparalleled insight into human behaviour.

​She holds an Honours degree in Psychology, is an internationally-certified Functional Medicine Health coach, an advanced Breathwork practitioner and is currently completing her Masters Thesis in Critical Diversity Studies, with research interests in the efficacy of Breathwork Therapy for stress, anxiety and burnout.

​Zuraida’s personal shift towards recognising the multi-layered stories within us all as individuals continues with her new optimal wellness journey. As a Breathwork Therapy and Functional Medicine Health Coach, she operates within a holistic paradigm, appreciative that the whole person is made up of interdependent parts and if one part is not in optimal flow this influences other areas. Having imbalances ultimately effects mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual wellbeing and can lead to chronic disease.

​Valuing diversity is paramount to healthcare and wellbeing. Understanding intersectionality plays an integral role when partnering with clients. This aids in reflecting, identifying and addressing the complexities of the real world and how this might impact assumptions on social categories such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, geography, age, disability/ability and culture.

​Zuraida believes that people who are treated as unique individuals and supported with the right tailor-made tools, have the potential to innately heal themselves when met with unconditional positive regard.

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